In the spring of 1995 I had some Illinois Veterans Grant left and I decided to take a certain philosophy course. My military supervisor adjusted my lunch schedule.
On day 1 the prof asks everyone to introduce themselves...
"My name is {name} and I'm {age} and I'm taking this class because my degree requires it and I don't even know why I'm here 'cuz all this 'deep thought' is just a waste of my time blah blah blah"...
I shift gears immediately
Mind you, I'M IN UNIFORM
It finally gets around to me
"My name is Rob and I'm 32 and I want to tell that idiot over there <pointing> that I know for a fact I DON'T KNOW SHIT AT MY AGE!"
"When I turn 40, I'll look back on me today and say 'oh my God, I didn't know shit at 32!' And when I turn 50, I'll look back and say 'oh my God, I didn't know shit at 40!'
"I'm taking THIS class so I can figure ME out!"
No applause, just more silence from the students & prof
One day I'm in class, in uniform, when my "pager" goes off
Our wing command post has fired up and they sent me a code that means "use warp speed or just teleport"
I report for duty to discover it's the Oklahoma City bombing
"Of course!" the prof says
I'm military so I know how to brief; a class of 15 students is easy
"Contrary to what others might say at Scott AFB," I explain, "no air ambulance has a right-of-way in the skies. Air traffic controllers can deny it for ANY reason"
"Remember that guy I berated on Day 1 intros? Our pilots can't be like him NOR me..."
"I learned that, sure, you can be a jerk sometimes -- but you can't be a jerk when lives are on the line"
Man, I thought I'd get a smattering of applause for ending on that! But, nope 🙃
Coincidentally, I was on this military task when I took that philosophy course: