So because you're 24, and you just got into the University, you've refused to post your matriculation pictures because others at your age are either posting their wedding pictures or their new cars. Lee what? LMAO!
I sincerely do not know, but whosoever set the time lag for when "things should be done" can come back and take their change. We're not buying again.
Growing up, my sisters and I calculated the ages we should be done with our University education, and by our calculations,
I shouldn't have anything to do with the University once I'm 19years. I should have been done!
I remember that day clearly, we were so excited. Lol. It didn't later turn out that way, as I finished a little later, but before that time, I put myself in "hell" who sent me please?
I didn't get admission to school when I was supposed to, as a result, I spent all my life in hiding. I hid from my High school mates, teachers, my social media wall was empty, cos I didn't want people to know I hadn't gotten into school.
Guess my age then? 15/16!
Isn't it a thing of pain and concern that a child of 16years already knows the "societal standards" for which things were to be done?
I'm really concerned when I hear about teenagers getting depressed, and suicidal, but see, we can trace it. We can trace it to these things.
You want to know the truth? If you do not celebrate your wins now, you'll never celebrate them again, cos the time it would have mattered would have long passed.
Can we break these bonds? Can we?
Imagine a lady saying because she's 33, she wouldn't have a loud wedding,
as per all her mates are married and celebrating years already. Lol.
Aunty, why not just have the wedding in a hidden cave. You, him, and the host of heaven, since God is everywhere. When you're done, live there happily ever after, because if you come out,
your news will still spread 😂😂
It'll come with headlines. "SHOCKING: Young couple Wed in a cave")
Lol. I wanna cry.
I mean, who's driving this bus? How did we get here? Driver stop!!! Lemme jump out! I'm not going again. No dear, you can keep the change!
You don't celebrate when you're supposed to? You'll realise you'll never celebrate cos the "time" will just never come.
You might not have seen it this way, but stop letting the devil steal your praise.
Doing what you should do, but not being able to do it because (*insert reason*)... Is bondage!
Break free. Again I say, break free!
You just boarded a plane for the first time in your entire life? Celebrate it.
You just graduated from the University at 29? Celebrate it!
You hit your first 400 followers on your page? Celebrate it.
You were able to buy a worthy gift for your dad for the first time? Celebrate it.
Your account balance just hit 6figures for the very first time? Celebrate it.
However you want, just make sure you mark it remarkably.
If you wait till its "BIG," there are chances that even when 'BIG' comes, you might never see it.
Watch out for some tiny human voices that are gifted with the spirit of heaviness and discouragement.
They'll start by saying 'others are celebrating... You're here...' stop them immediately. Never let anyone compare you or BELITTLE YOUR SUCCESS.
Start celebrating everything, you'll see less reasons to complain.
Yes they are milestones. Feel free to carry them on your head!
Sit, and reflect on things you're grateful for. You can choose to take it to your social media accounts, or drop them in the comments.
I had a friend that said their mind, only when telling a joke. They didn't know that I'm God's baby girl and in turn God's paddy. He highlighted the seemingly "meaningless" lines to me as though with a bold marker.
They'd want to express some jealousy, but they'd do it in the form of a joke and for every time they did, I could discern what exactly they intended to say, and that was because I had made a simple but sincere prayer to God.
It went like, "Lord, please I don't want to find myself living Psalm 1:1." God did not only answer my prayer but also gave me the ability to make the right choices and the necessary tools that I needed to do that—The gift of Discernment.
Sometimes, God’s intentionality about us shows in really random things. There are times you have a thought/desire you didn’t even pray about, & you just come across it on your social media or somewhere you weren’t expecting. A God who hears our WORDS and HEARTS. We stan 🙌
There are lovers that listen to every words you utter and grant your desires. Then there’s that lover who not only pays attention to your words, but to your heart too... He listens to every of your unsaid words and satisfies you, how refreshing to know!
The times you craved for shawarma and got it without asking,
The times you needed money and someone just asked for your account number (out of the blues. Lol)
The times you needed a friend and he sent someone to love you... I mean, you remember those times, don’t you?
Sis, You Said No To Him Already, So Why Are You Still Monitoring His Life?
Why are you stalking him, really? Why are you checking his social media to see if he has the picture of another lady? You already said you weren’t interested, so why?
I’m talking to you my dear, why so bothered? Why do you still look out for him at events or gatherings? Oh, I get it, the Bible tells you to be your brother’s keeper, so you’re trying to do your part innit? Lmao!
I’m not done... why does your stomach knot when you see him talking to another lady? What’s the challenge? I mean, the young gentleman met you and spoke to you about his interest, you said no,