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We discussed that here in these 2 tweets.
And we learn some of these pages material etc was written by @FordhamNYC students.

Here they teach rioters how to “spot undercover cops”
Heads up @NYPDChiefofDept
Spotters find the “color of the day” and then tweet or use other social media sites to tell the rioters.
Oh, and if you are white USE YOUR PRIVILEGE.

Saved the @ for you to find these assholes.

Not only is there a war on our police, but on police dogs! 😡😢

@JamesOKeefeIII @JackPosobiec
Please use this information and thread above to add this group to terrorist list.
@seanhannity @TuckerCarlson

Here is the handbook. There is a lot of information in here as well as a lot to learn.
Please tag @EngageRight if you research on your own. We love to learn.
Thank you
Thank you @POTUS for fighting for us! 🇺🇸
End Thread