It's OK to shoot rubber bullets at peaceful protesters
It's OK to amass an army of Bureau of Prisoner security officers and National Guard troops against the American people.
It's OK for the President to control court cases.
It's OK to put up an 8' high fence to
It's OK to call up 10,000 active duty military troops to attempt a President sponsored coup.
It's OK to make profit off the distribution of PPE in the middle of a crisis.
It's OK to lie on average 230 times a day
It's OK to call up private militia to storm State Capitols to force Governors to open up their economies despite not meeting CDC standard to safely do so.
It's OK to promote dangerous drugs, repeatedly, in spite of instructions to stop.
It's OK not to wear a mask in public to set an example, and force a whole day's production of swabs to be thrown
It's OK to ignore any attempt at oversight, and stall decisions in the court for years to conceal damaging information.
It's OK to admit you grab women by the pussy, and just go up and kiss, them, go after them like bitches.
It's OK for the President to demean women's looks.
It's OK to conceal classified information to Congress committees, even though they have security clearance to see them.
It's OK to get rid of all oversight.
It's OK to give billionaires tax breaks in the trillions of dollars, driving up the debt.
It's OK that the Republican party supports a President that is corrupt with question, just to stay in power.
It's just fine.....
That America. @TheDemCoalition @lister_lester @SethAbramson @MaddowBlog