It’s colloquially known as “fridging.”
It's just more signs of Allura being sacrificed for Man Pain.
X Her captaining the Castleship
- Her magic
- Her Altean royalty
Next up is Allura's magic.
X Her captaining the Castleship
X Her magic
- Her Altean royalty
Even though Allura literally dies from losing her magic, her losing her royal status is really what puts her in the refrigerator.
Allura can't seem to catch a break any time and she becomes more and more isolated from her culture and people.
Nothing but be a male main character.
She was fridged from the moment she showed the potential to be a character that was bigger than the boys.
The fact that she was a black princess makes it worse.
If little black girls watch Voltron only to see Princess Allura die, why would they ever want to be part of animation at all?
Do it for Allura, and fuck TERFS!…