First see this primer on scientific racism & its history:…
Misinterpretation of scientific studies is often used to justify racist ideas & claim some people are inherently worse than others. Scientific racism is rooted in justifying this opinion.
"Given such results, how are researchers to respond when asked to categorically exclude the possibility of genetically mediated average differences between groups?”…
Such arguments are reflective of the early days of scientific racism and are shameful.…… Instead, this position aligns Hsu with people like white supremacist Stefan Molyneux or antisemite Ron Unz……
The author cites funding from the VP of Research in support of his lab.
Hsu positively promoted this research after the murder of George Floyd.
Eugenics is dangerous and harmful, especially to individuals with disabilities. Their lived experiences are not aberrations to be removed from the population.
Hsu has been an outspoken advocate for eugenics, including his eugenic own startup business
“Maybe the bottom 1% embryo will grow up to be a great person … even be a scientist, but the odds are against it.”
This harkens back to the flawed, racist idea intelligence is an innate condition
“If a human being could be engineered ... , they might exhibit cognitive ability which is roughly 100 standard deviations above average. This corresponds to more than 1,000 IQ points.”
Hsu continually ovjects to considering diversity as a metric, especially when hiring women at Google:…
“Damore is pointing out that pro-diversity objectives may incentivize managers to discriminate by gender or race in hiring and promotion.”
“This doesn't mean that the females who are > +2.5SD (in the female population) are ill-suited to the role (they may be as good as the men), just that there are fewer of them....”
Hsu has failed to disclose conflict of interest in a paper on predicting DNA traits:
Failure to disclose conflict of interest in a paper on predicting height from DNA: