I mean it should have already been obvious, but now it's undeniable
tl;dr Biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression are distinct concepts and more complicated than you think (1/x)

Intersex people exist - ~1 in 1500 births, which is an underestimate since many do not find out until later in life, some never do (but autopsy reveals it)
The boundaries of biological "maleness" & "femaleness" are fuzzy (2/x)

How small does a penis have to be to be considered intersex? How big a clitoris? Those are culturally defined (3/x)
There are women with XY chromosomes because their SRY gene, which starts development toward being a male, is either broken or deleted (4/x)
It's not.
Neuroanatomical studies support the existence of trans gender identities (yes I'm dropping citations) tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.31…
Some are involved in estrogen receptor pathways and are possibly involved in brain development (6/x) sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/…
Sumerian and Mediterranean (4000 years old)
Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, and Thailand
Judaism always has had distinct language for nonbinary and intersex people! (7/x)
Because NAZIS BURNT DOWN the leading research center on trans issues!
Scientific research was estimated to be put back by decades (8/x) teenvogue.com/story/lgbtq-in…
Do not let TERFs weaponize science to support their bigotry not-binary.org/statement/
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