महान क्रांतिकारी पंडित रामप्रसाद ' बिस्मिल ' की जयंती पर शत शत नमन 🙏🏻💥
He build "Hindustan Rrpublican Association" HRA, which aimed to abolish British oppressions through armed revolution. Bismil along with Ashfaqullah Khan were in fore front of movement

#SachindraNathSanyal wrote a manifesto for the HRA entitled
"The Revolutionary "
देशवासियों के नाम संदेश (en: A message to my countrymen)
Translation of Bengali books :
Bolshevikon की करतूत (en: The Bolshevik's programme) and Yogik Sadhan (of Arvind Ghosh)
Rough translation prepared by the C.I.D., U.P. and circulated as confidential document.