But that didn't happen by coincidence.
It began as a whites-only state by design — through a series of racist exclusionary laws created to discourage Black people from living there in the first place. (@OPB) trib.al/lBTOw70
It banned slavery — but also banned Black people from living in there for more than 3 years.
If Black people broke this law, the consequence was 39 lashes, every 6 months, until they left.
This one barred Black people who were not already in the area from entering or residing in Oregon territory.
It prohibited Black people from owning property and making contracts.
According to Census Bureau estimates, Oregon’s Black population was just over 2% in 2019.
Black studies educator Walidah Imarisha notes that — 18 years ago — 30% of voters elected to leave the language as is.
“The only thing unique about Oregon is [it] was bold enough to write it down. The same policies, practices and ideologies that shaped Oregon, shaped the nation as a whole.” trib.al/lBTOw70