-to be continued-
Only a couple of minutes later she got a WhatsApp call from NL2. The connection was very bad and at first she could not believe what she was hearing.. .
It could not be true! 🙀
So she doubted it had been me wandering around strange gardens after falling out of a window
All of a sudden Mami realized: She might be friendless and alone, but..
I had few Twitter friends in Germany, but more than 2000 followers in English speaking countries. And those friends might again have followers in Germany, who could spread the word...
She replied some incoherent account of what had happened to Dax and then posted
It was, of course, pure torture. Mami
„Stay wherever you are. Don’t run! I am coming for you! Hide. Don’t run. Stay close! Mami is coming. Stay away from cars. Hide from dogs. Don’t move and wait for me...“