a story about the weaponization of urban space & racialization of the public sphere at Christopher Columbus Park on Boston's Waterfront
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(its long sorry) 🖤
The park was originally named Waterfront Park in 1976 after a nearly 30-year intensive process of planning the waterfront. It was not originally called Christopher Columbus (that expedited corrupt process is exposed further down)
Original public intent & approved park design in 1976 , acc to Stuart Dawson, park planner/principal @SasakiDesign was to embrace unobstructed openness to water, express City's diverse mutliculturalism & playground for children from across city reflected in inaugural poster

After the extensive process of planning, Waterfront Park was originally designed and constructed between 1974-1976, dedicated to Frank S Christian who raised 200k (good backgrounder @universalhubhere on BRA, Park & Christian : universalhub.com/2020/nothing-i…). Notice plaque location:

In spite of the near 30-yr process for rebuilding this portion of the waterfront incl Waterfront Park, so-called approval of renaming it to Christopher Columbus Park renaming takes less than 14 business days. No record of public presentation. Fred Langone leads the vote.
Between April 25, 1979 and May 10, 1979, if no process of open public consultation was had on such an important watefront are (it was created originally 4 Boston Bicentennial), City departments of Parks & Rec + Arts Comm ARE NOT CONSULTED on name or statue.
that green file cracks open whole set of issues by then Boston Arts Comm about cost of maintenance, beheading, vandalism, graffiti...but more importantly it questions & disputes presence of Columbus statue whose public costs r mounting, just a fuckin' nightmare 2 restore
between 2004 and 2011 by that Boston Arts Commissioner, it was still not clear who owned the statue or how it got there. So here we go, finally the backstory on how the public process gets corrupted and why Mayor Kevin White approved Columbus Park renaming on May 10, 1979:
CARRARA IT is the world epicenter of white marble an egregious display of where most Columbus & Christian marble statues are made, but itz also a lot like NOrtheast quarries where a lot of Italian mining fans immigrated 2 then southbound 2 Boston
Don’t b sidelined w/ Carrara heavily photographed sublime of marble quarries or historic proximity to Columbus so-called birthplace in Genoa, therez a lot of weird shit there and incredible levels of wealth displayed in the kinds of commissions today...robot-city.com/en/what-we-do/…

For a comprehensive inventory of Columbus monuments worldwide & their genealogy, here's Van Der Krogt inventory, comprehensive roadmap 4 all other Columbus monuments that need take-down across Americas: statues.vanderkrogt.net/object.php?web…
Leading Indigenous & Black scholars have already and exhaustively written at large about the erasure and brutal violence entrenched in settler-colonialism's use of Discovery Myths embedded in Columbus edifices...so will leave this here as one of many npr.org/sections/codes…
Columbianism masks/erases brutal, dehumanizing violence agst Indigenous Peoples & African slaves during colonization that u cannot turn away from reports of Spanish friar Bartolomé de las Casas of late 16c, most likely it was worse than the images archive.org/details/region…

if it looks like there just dropping a large oversized granite base that totally doesnt match a totally undersize statue, THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS. They literally just drove into the park one afternoon and dropped it in.
But if KoC were a major funder of the Park, they were at the top of funders' list, hard to tell what exactly they paid for in absence of a public paper trail or documented receipts which doesn't exist so it couldn't have been much.
The statue barely cost 10k, the painting by Leonard was not paid for, the framing by North End Gallery was free. no consulting fees, just a couple of tombstone layers to 2 pay. What did the Knights of Columbus want with the Columbus statue or the park, unless...
& Knights of Columbus excel at that: image of legitimacy for singular individual: a fraternal service order made of Catholic men only. Why Columbus? KoC history, c. 1881 (~1892 400yr mark of discovery myth) emboldened by strong codified heraldry reveals kofc.org/en/who-we-are/…

Very few recall this painful, enraging incident from 1979: Black football player Darryl Williams, then 15, was shot during a high school game in Charlestown sparking major outrage from his Roxbury community.
Only one of three teenagers arrested where charged, 17yo Stephen McGonagle. The white shooter only served 4 years in prison, released in 1983, Williams suffered an entirely different fate, left paralyzed from the neck down for life.
The WGBH program "Say Brother; Another Conversation with the Next Generation; Boston teenagers discuss the Darryl Williams shooting" led by Barbara Barrow-Murray is a good xsection on that period & impact of racial violence on Black youth & education.
a few years later, in 1982, Mayor White became embroiled in a major scandal and investigation on corruption of his administration over the past decade, accusations of corruption in city government, finance, extortion, pension abuses
Black lawyer and civil rights advocate Ted Landsmark was violently attack by white youth from Charlestown protesting busing using the banner of nationalism and banner of patriotism, literally lunging at Ted's face with the US flag in horrific attack bostonlocaltv.org/catalog/V_YKLK…

in late 1979 journalist Barbara Barrow-Murray speaks w/ Black Youth 2 discuss racial violence & impact on Black education at local WGBH "Say Brother; Another Conversation with the Next Generation; Boston teenagers discuss the Darryl Williams shooting" openvault.wgbh.org/catalog/V_A34D…

yet for all the noise that Mayor Kevin White was making, Senator Bill Owens came out clear and cogently with the undeniable reality on the ground: "Boston is not safe for People of Color"

Or did Mayor White nervously smile at suspected patterns of corruption, embezzlement of public funds, & contractor extortion, that would plague his political career a few years later in 1983 w/ a Federal investigation of the past decade? nytimes.com/1982/12/07/us/…

did the Mayor not heed the signs of the original park planner Stuart Dawson at Sasaki who publicly opposed the renaming of the park and of the statue, whose career was based on designing relations with water, and cautioning against, word-for-word, the 'danger of donors'?
if u want 2 indulge in delusional grandeur & romantic fantasy, u can do that in private, on private property. Run round it naked or in Columbian cosplay for all we fuckin care. Take example of Columbus Statue in Louisburg Square in bourgeois Beacon Hill masshist.org/collection-gui…

or if your so-called supporters have some cash, place the Columbus statue beside its younger youth at the Boston MFA, they have a nice vintage version out of the same marble from Carrara. Now that would really impress Stivaletta. collections.mfa.org/objects/59507

the question then remains Boston, will this place be the mark where Columbianism ends, where adoration of a genocidal killer stops, where voices seeking spatial justice are heard? So that human work of social empowerment & economic justice can begin?
absolutely never let this message and this fight against white supremacy get co-opted by special interest groups whose white fragility deem advocacy for Indigenous Peoples Day as thinly veiled hate speech. Nah doesnt work that way. There's a huge community @ItaliansforIPD

Monica Cannon-Grant @ProRockThrower from Violence In Boston laid it out two weeks ago at Franklin Park.
Mahtowin Munro @mahtowin1 from UAINE laid it out this past week at Columbus Park.
UAINE who has called on current and past mayors to not only remove the statue and rename the park in Boston permanently but to acknowledge & honor Indigenous Peoples' Day in lieu of Columbus Day. This is momentous, earth moving, 528-year legacy indigenouspeoplesdayma.org
It is a watershed moment to bring down a part of the structure of white supremacy, to honor lands of the Massachusett Peoples #LandBack, to construct relations anew to oppose patterns of erasure and systemic racism #Reparations, let alone promote the idea of humanity and care

if there ever was a time to open these lands and waters as oceanspace to First Nations, the Massachusett Peoples, if there was ever a time to lead change like at Malcolm X Park in 1969 (hint, hint). Boston, do the right thing. This is the moment. Don't fuckin waste it.