For people WHO WANT PRIVATIZATION, just because they know how to spell it, n nothng more about it.
Read, because you belong to that minor segment of population who recvd an eng medium education - might as well put it to some use.

In case u are too lazy to open that SS and read, I'll copy paste 1 line to summarize it all.
"You want private players to take over banks? With what? Borrow money from SBI to take over IOB?"

Frauds in public sector banks cannot happen without the MOF and RBI representative in the board knowing.
But in Private banks, they can, and they do. Just bcoz u haven't read about it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

For ur overflowing sadistic hormones -
EMPLOYEES WILL SURVIVE THIS, maybe wid sme pain, maybe wid sme injustice, but they will survive
You as public, whose social security scheme r executed through a single channel - PSB, u won't survive dis

Even the richest of heir sell their heritage because of their INEFFICIENCY.
It's not called privatization there.
Remember this, PSUs SERVE THE NATION
The P in psu stands for PUBLIC. It doesn't have an E for employees. Ask the right questions.