#Mengzi #Mencius #Confucianism

Mengzi made one big claim; that human nature is originally “good.” He also provided evidence for this claim. In this way he's seen as an idealist, yet orthodox, Confucianist.
Therefore, with this and his prior observation on innate qualities—we are born "good" *but* it must be cultivated.
His entire add-philosophy is built upon an unnecessary question. Nature does not see things as “good,” and even if it did, he cherry picked and ignored the "bad."
A frog is not "good" or "bad" because it kills flies, it just does. The most that can ever be said, while remaining grounded in natural law, is that it is functional. To survive, is "good."
Warped question, Mencius!!
Maybe Paleolithic tribes killing each other leveled-up our genetic intelligence, maybe Neolithic civilization decreased it (brain size has been shrinking for 10K yrs)?
And this is the brilliance of Confucius’ silence.
Yeah he told white lies, but these could be used to cultivate better people thru their own work and hope. Wrong, but useful?
As with evolutionary biology, in the evolution of applied philosophy—nature tests our ideas across time, and only the functional ideas survive. It decides.
And Mengzi's thinkings survived, thus they are "good."
Although they know him no better than Americans know Columbus, every member of society follows his teachings day to day. Neo-Confucianists used his thinkings to build up their applied philosophy.
How are you going to get members into your club if it feels bad? Christianity did that "you're a sinner," but that's complicated and another conversation.
Mengzi is perhaps responsible for Eastern philosophy being more positive on human nature, while Western is more negative.