Over the past decade, Musawah has documented discrimination faced by women living under Muslim family laws globally.
Country tables: musawah.org/mapping-muslim…
Reports: musawah.org/resources/wome…

Malaysia - @SistersinIslam sistersinislam.org/telenisa/
India - @BMMA_India bmmaindia.com/publications/
Sri Lanka - @mplreforms mplreforms.com/unequal-citize…
Egypt - @CewlaCenter cewla.org/studies/
Check our our policy brief 'Why Muslim Family Law Reform? Why Now?’ which makes the case for reform of discriminatory family laws.
musawah.org/resources/poli… #FreeOurFamilyLaws

A common myth is that Muslim family laws are 'divine' & therefore unchangeable, when infact they are based on fiqh/human interpretations, customs, colonial heritage etc.. musawah.org/resources/poli…

The boundaries between some key terms such as Shariʿah, Fiqh & Islamic law are often blurred & confused in everyday language. This confusion contributes to gender inequality in modern family laws.
youtube.com/watch?v=OB7Iu3… #FreeOurFamilyLaws
Read our latest brief 'Why Muslim Family Law Reform? Why Now?’ which distills key arguments for reform into 10 Fundamental Facts musawah.org/resources/poli… #FreeOurFamilyLaws

Reform is often resisted on the grounds that Muslim family laws are divine & thus not open to change. Yet in reality change & reform have been inherent in Muslim legal tradition. A rich history of diverse opinions! youtube.com/watch?v=2FmXJ8…
Download the full Policy Brief #1: 'Why Muslim Family Law Reform? Why Now?’ here musawah.org/resources/poli… #FreeOurFamilyLaws

The diversity of Muslim family laws is evidence of the role that humans have played in developing these laws—and how changeable & adaptable these laws can be.
bit.ly/musawahpb1 #FreeOurFamilyLaws

Recent reforms towards equality and justice show that change is indeed possible, with the political will of state leaders & policy makers. bit.ly/musawahpb1

These legal developments & the variety of contemporary family laws in multiple Muslim contexts proves that these family laws can & must be reformed to address lived realities.
Legal restrictions in family laws constrain women’s ability to decision making and have far-reaching consequences in all areas of life. More info: bit.ly/musawahpb1

In addition to SDG 5 on gender equality,’ reform of family laws also impacts progress on other SDG goals e.g.: Goal 3 (health), Goal 4 (education), & Goal 8 (economic progress). bit.ly/musawahpb1

Read more: academic.oup.com/sp/article/26/…

Families, in all their diverse forms, are at the core of all societies—and are both a central support system & a place where individuals experience exploitation & discrimination. bit.ly/musawahpb1

Why it is necessary, why now, and how you can join us
More info on the campaign - musawah.org/campaign-for-j… #FreeOurFamilyLaws