* Enough code to be dangerous + no-code prototyping
* Writing, Note system, GTD, project mgmt
* Founder-led Sales, Content/Email marketing
* Positioning, Pricing, Strategy
* Inbound recruiting (eg Twitter)
* Remote HR + Operations
(feel free to add yours) 👇
railstutorial.org/book by @mhartl
gorails.com by @excid3
founderhacker.com by @ryanckulp
No-code prototyping:
makerpad.co by @bentossell
nocodemvp.com by @bramk
perell.com/write-of-passa… by @david_perell
buildingasecondbrain.com by @fortelabs
learn.nateliason.com by @nateliason
GTD, project mgmt
gettingthingsdone.com by @gtdguy
basecamp.com/shapeup by @rjs
salesforfounders.com by @louisnicholls_
everything by @Steli
valgeisler.com/incubator/ by @lovevalgeisler
doubleyourfreelancing.com/mastering-conv… by @brennandunn
aprildunford.com/obviously-awes… by @aprildunford
priceintelligently.com/blog from @Patticus
stratechery.com by @benthompson
divinations.substack.com by @nbashaw
just follow @shl @mkobach @david_perell @naval @visakanv
Remote HR + Operations
basecamp.com/books/remote by @jasonfried & @dhh
about.gitlab.com/company/cultur… by @sytses
zapier.com/learn/remote-w… by @wadefoster
knowyourteam.com/m/features/gui… by @clairejlew