Starting it off with Zā’irjahs: an Arab divination system popular in the medieval period. This is a good paper documenting them:…
Zā’irjahs are said to influence the work of the medieval monk Llull in creating his Ars Magna which has the idea of truth tables implicit in their combinatorics. He also did some pioneering work in visualizing conceptual trees.
Llull’s work would influence a key figure in the history of science: Gottfried Leibniz. In his dissertation on combinatorics, De Arte Combinatoria, influenced by Descartes’ idea and Llull’s rotating wheels, he proposes an alphabet of human thought:…
Leibniz devised the dx [1] and ∫ [2] notation popularly used in calculus today in his private manuscripts. The first published papers with these notations were in Acta Eruditorum in 1684 and 1686 respectively.
What is perhaps less known is that Leibniz worked on binary arithmetic. To make computation tractable in his work on combinatorics, he turned to I Ching for inspiration. He used 0s and 1s to denote what stood for chaos and order in I Ching.
There is a correction to be made in the previous tweet. Leibniz arrived at binary system independently and mapped his numerical system of unity and nothingness to the broken and unbroken lines of I Ching after Jesuit missionary Bouvet would send him a copy of the I Ching.
Found out the purportedly first ever usage of integral sign in Leibniz’s manuscripts!
TIL about rebuses: which can be thought of as a precursor to emojis from the middle ages.
Together with developing a universal logic language, Leibniz was also keenly interested in engineering a “calculus ratiocinator”. Here are the sketches he made for an arithmetic reckoner in 1685. From his manuscript LH XLII, 5:…
Leibniz valued his binary arithmetic with 0s and 1s highly. Along with aiding in his calculus ratiocinator project, it had biblical undertones of “creation of everything from nothing by the One” for him. He proposed to reify it on a medallion to Duke Rudolph August in 1697:
Florian Cajori’s paper Leibniz, the Master-Builder of Mathematical Notations is a good short read to understand the attention paid by Leibniz to notation. It meticulously details in 10+ pages the broad range of notations devised by Leibniz!…
Pretty neat page on Wikipedia here that shows mathematical symbols alongside their inventor and introduction date:…
“Periods in the Use of Euler-Type Diagrams” by Jens Lemanski is a nice paper to read to get a broad perspective on the evolution of Euler/Venn style logic diagrams between 16th and 19th century:…
What was curious in this paper was the diagrams employed by Kant in his logical work. They look quite intriguing!
Lemanski follows this paper up with a detailed look on the Weigel/Weise circles that carried forth the development of these diagrams:…
Another notable idea in Lemanski’s work is this Hasse diagram-style:… visualization of influences. It feels like a good way to visualize who influenced who when chronicling intellectual lineages.
Wilhelm Risse in his book Die Logik der Neuzeit cites that Llull’s work as inspired from a Jewish mystic Abraham Abulafia:…
TIL that light is an eigenvector of a Lorentz Transformation! I think this means that light plays the role of an invariant when you try to shift between two bases. For example: something like say truth value of an expression when you shift between two logical systems studying it.
I am right now in the middle of researching something else and will have to return to this later, but this page has some real nice pedagogic material on Special Relativity:…
Here is another animation from Wikipedia. Line crossing the vertical axis are sequential events and the line crossing horizontal axis simultaneous ones. The diagonals that remains invariant indicates light. Funny how this shows connections with linear algebra and order theory.
Can’t claim to have even remotely understood this article with the intended precision, but I just loved the exposition of ”Are deep networks just kernel machines?” here:…
Stumbled on this discrete visualization of fundamental theorem of calculus by @PeterSaveliev and thought it was amazing!
This is a neat video to watch on how Leibniz conceived his version of fundamental theorem of calculus using the harmonic triangle and telescoping sums:
Matrices can be visualized as functions! This enables us to see matrix multiplication as function composition. In this thread let us take a visual tour of these mathematical ideas. To get this thread as a PDF:…
I stumbled on this idea as a part of my logical explorations. I saw how the matrix way of representing things has an intertwining between simultaneity and sequentiality which is awesome! Let us start uncovering the ideas here by representing matrices as pixel grids.
Let us label the matrix and understand how to represent arbitrary connections. A dark square in the pixel grid means a connection exists between a row element and a column element. A row element can be thought as an input and the corresponding column elements its outputs.
Catalog of Programming Languages for the Enthusiast: Starting a curation on some of the cool indie / lesser known programming language projects I have been stumbling on.
Starting off with Pikelet by @brendanzab. It is a continuous source of inspiration to see Brendan starting from game dev and getting into deep type theory stuff! Check out his language Pikelet:… and his twitter stream for updates on his work.
I encountered Koka when researching about algebraic effects. Papers from Daan Leijen on its semantics and technical details are available here:…
Design ∩ Code Systems: Curating a thread on a topic I’m really interested in. Tools that blur the line between designing and engineering. Hope you find something inspiring here:…
@bahrami_ Nodebox (@nodebox) is a node based environment for generative data / interactive visualizations:
This people generator is an interesting application of it:
Matt (@mattdesl) is one of my favourite generative artists and he has produced a slew of great art and software products over the years. Here is him testing out a new environment for his canvas-sketch toolkit: