An unregulated mask market has spread like wildfire, attracting middlemen, grifters, billionaires etc. Our government fanned the flames.
Let’s go inside this world…
I was on the right track, he said…
That made me quite curious. 🤔…

Tim said he was about to buy masks from VPL. “I went and got myself $8,000 in cash. I was on my way with the money in a briefcase.” Then the deal was cancelled.
Then he brought up the billions.
“We’ve got several billion dollars sitting in escrow to procure product right now, and we need it yesterday,” said the man on the phone.
“Then I would be what you’re investigating,” he joked. “A profiteer.”
“You start out as a guy on the corner holding a little bit of product, and the next thing you know, you’re making calls and connecting people.”
Here’s one:
“That’s the kind of money that’s changing hands. There’s some billionaires with a B getting involved,” one broker told me.
Never heard back.
The owner was the subject of a dozen lawsuits, including allegations of fraud, lease manipulation and breach of contract
What he couldn’t tell me was how his brand-new company managed to get such a big deal with the feds with no competitive bidding.…