1. A Chinese student has been denied a visa to study in Canada due to concerns his research could be used to enhance Beijing’s military programs. canlii.ca/t/k2123
2. The CSIS report on the student raised concerns that his area of study, microfluidics, 'has important military applications, particularly for the production of chemical and biological warfare agents, which can be made on a scale that is easier to conceal.'
3. 'Microfluidics also allows for improved nuclear weapons sensors, and for portable detection systems of biological and chemical warfare agents, rather than relying on the use of a lab,' CSIS wrote.
1. Terrorism Offenders: the Parole Board of Canada just released the public, santized version of its written decision granting parole to a terrorist sentenced to life for plotting the murder of hundreds of Canadians in 2006.
2. As the decision acknowledges, nobody seemed to want him to be released, not the Correctional Service Canada, not the halfway house he wanted to go to. Even Abdelhaleem said he didn't think he deserved it.
3. The Board also noted he was the right hand man of the leader of the terrorist group, and had planned "mass destruction" in downtown Toronto.
1. Yesterday, the Iranian regime hanged a journalist for the ridiculous charge of "corruption on earth." cnn.com/2020/12/12/mid…
2. Here is the Liberal Party's MP for Richmond Hill, sponsoring a petition in Parliament to re-establish diplomatic relations with this same regime. petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/De…
3. The same MP accepted a campaign contribution from an Iranian businessman CSIS alleges has help the regime violate sanctions. globalnews.ca/news/7483597/l…
1. "I'm the biggest thorn to the kuffar living here." More deleted posts from the Facebook page of Shehroze Chaudhry, Canadian arrested Friday for allegedly faking his involvement in ISIS.
1. "The greatest threat we face in the homeland is that posed by lone actors radicalized online who look to attack soft targets with easily accessible weapons." homeland.house.gov/imo/media/doc/…