Belarus’s unexpected revolution sees president Alyaksandr Lukashenka's authoritarian regime steadily crumbling, with demonstrations occurring in many cities, including well over 100,000 protesters rallying in the capital of Minsk.
During his 26 year reign, Lukashenka has managed to alienate vast swathes of the population.
Despite crackdowns with over 6000 protesters being arrested so far, the groundswell of opposition against Lukashenka is probably insurmountable at this point.
3/ In a scene echoing the 1989 booing of Romania’s communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu (which prompted the Romanian military to switch sides, and for Ceaușescu to flee), Lukashenka was jeered off stage by chants of "Leave!" during a speech at the Minsk Tractor Plant on 17 Aug.
Thread: 1/ ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE - We appear to be seeing the collapse of an authoritarian regime IN REAL TIME!
Disaffected personnel of the Belarus state apparatus are defecting to the side of the masses (who have been engaged in large-scale demonstrations).
2/ Such defections typically occur because energetic demonstrations embolden multitudes of disaffected people to follow suit. The end result may be a cascade effect that is impossible to stop, leaving the regime alienated with no option but to step down.
3/ The current events in Belarus contain many similarities to the dynamics which led to the collapse of communism in East Germany in 1989.
Furthermore, the collapse of authoritarian regimes often contain patterns which tend to repeat themselves throughout history.
@thenikcrawford 1/ Absolutely dreadful. There are massive problems with Critical Race Theory (CRT) running from top to bottom. It is not even a proper academic discipline.
Firstly, CRT fails the most basic academic standards of acceptability. (cont -->)
@thenikcrawford 2/ Academic standards CRT fails: (1) Clarity of terminology (extremely poor), and (2) Rigour in being able to prove & replicate its claims (largely non-existent)
CRT lacks "epistemic adequacy" (soundness & validity of arguments). It is based largely on unprovable assertions.
@thenikcrawford 3/ Unlike science (which relies on falsifiability for proof), and philosophy (which relies on defeasibility for soundness of argument), the accusation of white racism/ systemic racism in CRT (upon which almost everything in CRT hinges), is neither falsifiable nor defeasible.
@naughtymandy121 1/ You can almost never change someone's worldview in one hit, especially the type of normie you're describing. The only exception to this would be if they were to have a powerful visceral experience (e.g. a real-life encounter) that changed the way they saw things.
@naughtymandy121 2/ So instead of one big red pill, try using a number of small red pills to instil doubt about their worldview.
e.g. If challenging their view of BLM, you could describe real-life stories (with evidence) that are at odds with the media's narrative. -->
@naughtymandy121 3/ e.g.: mention the following & show them the video:
Black pastor talks about the black-on-black violence in the AA community
"All the killings in our community ain’t coming from white people. We’re killing one another."