#markse au
Rose secretly loves Mark for a very long time. She invested her feelings for a man who can't reciprocate her feelings.
And that's when she said to herself,
"If Mark can't be mine then I will never let him be happy with someone else."

•Genre: Suspense+Thriller, Angst
•OG Ship: #Mark x #Rose
•The pictures used aren't mine, cttro
• Do not reply on ther thread. Like, rt and qrt are highly appreciated
•socmed + narration.
•Enjoy. Read at your own risk
#GotPinkOGShipsAUFest @gotpinkogfest
I will put ⚠ this as trigger warning.
Song given:

Other characters will be introduced later on to the story. Enjoy reading! And again, please use #GotPinkOGShipsAUFest whenever you'll QRT your reaction.