Authors: Christopher Choy, Junha Lee, René Ranftl, Jaesik Park, Vladlen Koltun
Correspondences in 2D/3D forms geometric structures in higher dim, let's segment those with ND convnets!
Authors: Amir Hertz, Rana Hanocka, Raja Giryes, Daniel Cohen-Or
Constructing a hierarchical GMM by attentional split, and using the encoding for shape interpolation and generation.
Keivan Alizadeh vahid, Anish Prabhu, Ali Farhadi, Mohammad Rastegari
Split data to K, combine ith element in each, recursively fuse in next layers, 1Dconv++!
(not distracted by "butterfly", no)
Authors: Qinsong Li, Shengjun Liu, Ling Hu, Xinru Liu
Now you can apply anisotropic convolution to your pretty kittens using LB eigenspace + oriented spectral kernels!
Marvin Eisenberger, Zorah Lähner, Daniel Cremers
Shell operator = low freq geo (extrinsic). Embed shapes in extrinsic x spectral feature space, then matching = linear transformation and fmaps.