@aardvarknsefce likened the Covid shutdown at UoN to a juggernaut. Once stopped, an incredible effort was needed to get it moving again

In March those buildings all shut, pretty much overnight. Staff had to adapt to a new way of working and this became the soundtrack to our lives:
Flushing water systems, checking fire alarms etc, etc
A shut down of this speed & scale had never been carried out by the University before
We needed to prepare our campuses, our buildings and our people for a position that no-one could predict.
The challenge was set. Open the buildings. Open the campus. Safely. Easy.
Within a week we had people carrying out assessments - considering old access routes, new access routes, risks, vent, toilets etc etc.
210 rooms in 3 weeks ✅
Fortunately colleagues in IS stepped in, helping us assess studios & dining rooms amongst others
The research workstream identified 7 buildings, target dates were set. GO GO
We had never done this before. No-one had!
Whilst procurement worked miracles with soap & wipes @UoNSU came to the rescue for printing - getting 5000 signs professionally printed within a week.
Add it to the list. Crack on.
When they are turned on, if they work, they might still need additional changes to make them Covid compliant
None of this work is visible, but it is critical.
The background work continues apace, and local teams led by the like of @chrisdenning42 are pulling together reams of info (appreciate these tweets are estates focussed!)

Projects have continued, a programme to find savings has commenced, teams have been diverted to deal with floods (!!)
There's plenty more to go, lessons to learn, processes to speed up. We've got some ambitious targets for re-opening more buildings quicker. But tonight we celebrate!
But look at the great signage! (thanks to @StavrosPouricas for the pics)