'Get Money, Buy Income'.
In the last decade or so, the retirement landscape has completely changed.
Like the picture above.
Companies began to switch from a 'Defined Benefit' model to a 'Defined Contribution' model because they realized they could save trillions (yes, TRILLIONS) of dollars collectively.
The 1970's are when the IRA and 401k were created
Today, only 31% of Americans have a pension & the average is less than $10,000.
-federal employees;
-State, county or city employees;
-Teachers, firefighters, police;
-And a few big corporations like Caterpillar.
A) To have enough money and/or income to keep the exact same standard of living you currently enjoy (or better),
B) Adjusted for inflation each year,
C) And to have that money last through your life expectancy.
So, to be safe, you HAVE to plan on having your income last until age 100.
In fact, people living longer is part of the reason Social Security is struggling.
If you're not familiar with this, a man named Bill Bengen back in the 90's determined that when you retired you could 'safely' pull out 4% from your 401k and NOT run out of money.
First, the average life expectancy back then was 77 years.
Today it is 87 years.
AND, he ran the models using 60% bonds.
Back then, bonds earned 6-8%.
Now, they earn 3-5%, if you're lucky.
So, that model doesn't work today.
Since you 'have' to put more money in the market, you are affected more by when the market crashes or is volatile.
Which increases the liklihood of losses.
Which increase your anxiety in retirement (stress).
And you want to buy enough of it so that you can cover your MUG (mortgage, utilities, groceries) and other fixed expenses.
So, here is how we do it in my office:
First, we figure out what a client HAS to have each month.
There are over 500 strategies to claim this, and most people pick the WRONG one.
By picking the right one, they can increase their lifetime income by over $250,000 in most cases.
And they use it for fun stuff like travel, hobbies, grandkids, etc.
THAT becomes their 'PLAY-check'.
But, no matter what happens with the market, we know we have their needs taken care of, adjusted for inflation.
Simple: we contract with a financial institution (just like a lot of companies have for THEIR pensions) and enter into an agreement for them to pay my client lifetime increasing income as long as ONE of the spouses are alive.
Let me give you an example of how this works.
She wants to start taking income in 10 years.
So we gave a top rated company $180,000 for them to manage.
In 10 years, they START giving her $20,599 a year.
AND, she can't outlive it, and it will increase.
In 20, $75,193.
And it will continue to increase and pay her for as long as she's alive.
By age, they will have paid her $825,551.
She only GAVE them $180,000.
And there is NO risk.
And if this same money was in mutual funds or a managed account, that would be the end of her income.
But the company will pay her as long as she lives.
(Yes, I just repeated myself to make sure this sinks in).
Her daughter will get what's left.
Simple as that.
One of the big questions I get is 'How do they DO that?'
I have to run now, but the short answer is:
These companies are really good at math.
How you create a stress-free retirement is simple:
Get money, buy income.
Social security was NEVER designed to cover all your needs.
Buy the rest, and you'll sleep just fine in retirement knowing you will NEVER run out of income.