Having problems focusing?
The 7 Rules to master your focus and be more productive.
Power in the palm of your hand.
But with a great power comes a great responsibility 🕷️
Eventually, you'll realize your time is not enough.
I realized that when I started my journey on twitter.
You're not lacking time, you're just not taking advantage of time how you should.
And that's mainly because you can't focus.
Here are some techniques, resources and tips I used to master my focus.
Not a surprise? yeah, I Know.
Still, a lot of people can't spend more than 30 minutes without seeing their phone
Social media is designed to make you want to take a look at it frequently, and you don't need it.
So, turn off your notifications and flip down your phone.
That way, the only way someone will be able to contact you will be by phone call.
How can you be more productive if you're not organized?
That's why rule 2 exists.
Make a schedule of the times that you NEED to be more productive and get stuff done
If you stick to it, you'll realize that you have time to do everything.
5:30 - 6:30: Meditate
6:30 - 7:45: Work out
7:45 - 8:30: Schedule tweets
8:30 - 9:00: Breakfast
And so on and so on.
This technique is divided in six steps (Yes I'm working on thread about that
But basically it means you work for 25 minutes, and rest for 5.
You work on one task and ONLY one task during that 25 minutes.
Tweet ideas, reminders, to do's and any other thing that you think about. You write it.
That way you can do it later. Without losing focus.
Headphones are like a shelter.
Most of them aisle the sound so you can avoid all the noise.
Also, it's like you're wearing a sign that says "Don't mess with me!"
How cool is that?
So basically, use your freaking headphones!
What's different with this advice is that it's not only about your desk.
I'm talking about your inbox, your browser tabs, you desktop folders etc.
Start being mindful of the space around you!
Your peripheral vision can observe much more than you think.
If your mind is relaxed. It'll works better
Identify at what hours you're most productive.
Once you have that time gap, assign the most important tasks to this hours in your schedule (Rule 2).
For me it's around 10:00 AM, If you're some kind of owl it might be at midnight.
Find that time and protect it with your life!
This can seem like something good but it is terrible for your health.
Your anxiety levels will increase, the stress levels too and you will be 20%- 30% less productive!
Focus in one thing. And don't change the task until you're done.
- Most phones have the do not disturb mode.
- News feed eradicator: This chrome extension blocks your news feed and instead shows you a motivational quote.
- Tomato Timer: You can use this to practice the pomodoro technique.
- Forest App: This is my favorite. The concept is very atypical, I'll let you check it!
Feel free to tell me about your experience practicing the rules! My DMs are always open!
Stay focused! And keep improving!