Be civil, think before you tweet, and if you want to join wider discussions around Black History in Wales follow us at @SSAPYouth to stay up to date with upcoming sessions
This youth takeover is part of #HandsonHeritage initiative, supported by @HeritageFundUK #KicktheDust fund - diolch yn fawr for your support
Picton bought and sold people of African descent
He had them tortured and murdered
He was the governor of Trinidad, which was a British colony built on slavery
Picton profited from slavery, violence and colonialism
Posthumously he was celebrated as a military hero and tributes in the form of statues, paintings and some literary works were paid to him in Wales and across the UK
We want to point out that these resources are a mix of the good, the bad and the ugly
We like that this blog focuses on Louisa Calderon, we’ll tweet more about her later
It argues that ‘Picton felt vulnerable’ to excuse his brutality against Black people, sadly an argument still in use today when it comes to defending white (police)men that brutalise our people
"He was quite clearly a hero of Britain & if you look at biographies this trial is a small stain on his character" – torture of our people a small stain? Racism is alive & kicking
And until history is retold by our people, the story of Colonialism and British Empire is weak, whitewashed and, frankly, offensive in its prejudices and imbalances
This is not ok and it is right to be angry, but take these emotions and direct yourself towards the overdue redress.
Now is the opportune time
How do we redress Picton?
Let us begin by addressing our own complicity in the obliteration of the history and memory of that free Mulata girl, Louisa Calderon
So let us begin by consciously remembering her name:
Mixed heritage children like her were frequently the result of forced and imbalanced relationships between white masters and enslaved women of African descent
Let’s not beat around the bush: this is child abuse
Likely her abuser acted out of sexual jealousy
Picton was a friend of Louisa’s abuser and so he commanded her to be brutally tortured and held in chains for 8 months
This led to him being accused of cruelty and illegal torture
We do not even know their names
Louisa’s suffering, her bravery & her voice were disregarded
Louisa is one of many Black children, women & men who history brushes aside
We cannot reduce her to a single case, she is not a stain in the history of Picton, or a stain on the whitewashed story told about British colonial history
This is not erasure of history. Did you know of Colston, did you know of Picton before a statue was thrown in the river?
The removal itself is a historical act, a process of remembering, a chance to reset how we think, speak and teach history
Listen as we challenge established narratives. Allow yourself to be uncomfortable, learn...
This will allow our present-day collective memory to be rid of the bias that's been wrought by failure to address colonial past
We all play a role in changing narratives
Attempts to re-educate the public should not place sole importance on history but must make an honest attempt to diversify all subjects...
Discover our Black explorers, mathematicians, scientists, inventors and pioneers. We are not a side note of your history
Listen, learn, reflect and continue to address injustice where you see it.
We encourage members of the public to input and discuss with us What To Do About Picton...
These decisions should not reflect the views of an elite few, but be part of a wider public shift
BLOG - What to do about Thomas Picton? 👉🏾