It’s cheap, sophisticated and shockingly precise
➡️1,400 front doors were banged on at least five times
➡️All 4,087 official adult residents, including the homeless population, were told about the test in their native tongue
👉🏽More than 6% of Latinos were infected with Covid-19, most with high viral loads, though many had no symptoms.
👉🏻Of 981 White people tested, zero were positive
➡️Poor people of color are disproportionately affected
➡️Infectious people are walking around without a clue
But neither of those are the biggest takeaway. The biggest takeaway is this chart 👀
It tells us a lot about how the coronavirus spreads
These mutations don’t alter the virus meaningfully, but they do allow us to track the path it’s taken
The further down the chart we go, the more the virus has mutated away from the original.
People on the same horizontal line have or had the exact same virus as each other
It likely entered the household from the resident on the same line. They have the exact same virus but got it earlier, hence they have antibodies
🚌Do they ride the same bus?
🤫Are they having an affair?
🧒🏽Is it a little kid who happened to have played in the park near the child of the household?
Joe DeRisi, co-president of the Biohub explains: "It’s basically a spotlight that tells you where to dig"
This method can lead you not only to the super spreaders, but also to the social activity that’s spreading the disease
Usually the fear that special measures weren’t keeping workers safe would have forced the plant to close, but not this time
The fish-packing plant was able to stay open, and workers were able to stay on their jobs