- collectionView is now a better list API than UITableView 😂
- finally new APIs that use layoutGuides instead of asking for fixed points!! #wwdc20
This is common in Swift but I haven’t seen it on UIKit before!
this means UIKit is going to a Swift only future?

But still, I’m not that excited about it having SwiftUI looking at me with so much new stuff 😏 #wwdc20
The new Swift System framework will be OSS, include support for Linux and eventually Windows.
It won’t be an abstraction layer tho, the APIs will be different.
I had time to watch 12 sessions yesterday, I will continue this evening ^^ #wwdc20

I keep updating alejandromp.com/blog/wwdc20-se… with my notes if you’re interested. I’m also marking the ones I consider must watch #wwdc20
ARE YOU A WIZARD?! #wwdc20

Like using embed in HStack and changing it to ZStack. Just add it to Xcode! #wwdc20
Is very nice to have a mix of classic-slide presentations and a code-along tutorial to better learn new topics. Nice one! #wwdc20
The plan is to make a big video showcasing everything. But for GOOD personal know I may not be able to do it soon. Happy and Sad face. #wwdc20
Shouldn’t be the framework smart enough to know when lazy loading is needed or not and just deal with it? or shouldn’t it just do it by default? #wwdc20
I wished this was part of the docs. Sometimes is hard to know up to which point you should tweak a List instead of just going Scroll+Stack. #wwdc20

developer.apple.com/wwdc20/10086 Apple and privacy in its purest form. #wwdc20
Views should be cheap, if you make tons of stuff in the init you’re fighting the framework. #wwdc20

This is a game changer for productivity. #wwdc20

is this new? #wwdc20

a couple of things to tweak but github.com/alexito4/NewSw… is almost ready for the show! #wwdc20

“If lazy stacks were always the right answer, SwiftUI could have just made all stacks lazy.” #wwdc20