"there won't be a commercial version of GlassFish 4."
"Oracle continues to commercially support GlassFish v3 for the ***YEARS*** to come."
Years? 2? 3? 4? 5?

Extended Support Ends - Dec 2017
Sustaining Support - indefinite

Guess what level of support @NICMeity was on?

No "Software Updates"
No "Security alerts and updates"
No "Critical patch updates"

A version so ancient that Oracle has even removed the documentation.

"monitored on an almost regular basis as far as security parameters are concerned."
I'm sure that the lawyer in @rsprasad can prove that "almost regular basis" could even mean not even once in 6 years. #DgitalIndia
CERT-In Advisory CIAD-2020-0040 dated June 19, 2020 from @IndianCERT warning of a plot by "malicious actors" to impersonate "various authorities" starting from 21st June 2019.
Why hasn't @NCIIPC flagged the fact that it's running past-EOL unsupported software?
"To facilitate safe, secure and resilient Information Infrastructure for Critical Sectors of the Nation."
And it was established specifically to prevent such stupidity.


And only 2 of them are older than 2014.
So a total of 16 known vulnerabiliites and @NCIIPC and @IndianCERT have failed to flag and update this publicly exposed webserver handing govt. email.