1. I don't have my official transcript, can I still send emails to potential supervisors?
Ans: Your undergraduate results can be compiled in a single pdf and can be used temporarily. Just explain in your email.
Ans: In your scholarship search, potential supervisors wants to know that you have an idea about their research. Hence, make sure you read about them and their work. Take time to...
Ans: Well, you can address this issue by writing a very good statement of purpose, have good test scores and make sure you establish good conversation by. Dr @amuta_ann explained this in one of..
Ans: Start contacting professors first, establish a very good relationship by writing very good email. If a Professor likes your work, he can wait till you get your test results. There are also...
Ans: Publication is a proof that you have research experience. However, it does not limit your chances if you don't have, provided you can read wide and understand the Professor's current research area.
Ans: Start from your mind. If you want a scholarship, irrespective of your background, you can get it, provided you are willing to fail many times 😉.
Ans: You are not the only one in this shoe. Nobody will request anything urgent from you in this period. Therefore, prepare for other things, especially...
@ritapurity @amuta_ann @Okpala_IU @MomentsWithBren @AdeleyeSamuelA
I will explain how to write a standard email to a potential supervisor for Msc or PhD application soon.