1. Illuminati short thread - Structure of the Swamp / Criminal Cabal / Octopus / illuminati / military industriaal complex / secret societies / hivites / demons / Luciferians / Lucifarians #illuminati #swamp #QAnon #hivites #demons #lucifer #satanistscathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/01/18/the…
2. The satanic council is the "committee" that distributes the orders and discusses policy. - Obama is now running the Satanic Council #swamp #satanists #luciferians #Monarch #mindcontrol #mkultra #obama #obamagate #treasoncathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/06/04/oba…
3. ALL on the satanic council are Monarch trauma based mind controlled. Mind Control is the primary means of control of people - eg roughly 6% or 20 Million in the US alone- For mind control see this thread #Monarch #Mindcontrol #mkultra #illuminati
4. Some examples of what they get up to - Illuminati Sacrifices, Magik, Rituals and Gloria Vanderbilt #childtrafficking #childsacrifice #torture #mindcontrol #illuminati #magikcathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/06/13/ill…
5. Some more examples of what the illuminati do - Illuminati Summer Solstice Ritual #ritual #summnersolstice #childsacrifice #torture #magikcathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/06/20/mid…
6. Some Illuminati Hand Signalling Decodes #symbolism #illuminati #satanism #handsignals #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfall #TheSwampcathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/03/13/ill…
9. Hollywood is major part of the illuminati PR department - Hollywood’s Starting to Crack Wide Open…. #Pedowood #Hollywood #DumpDisney #TomHanks #csa #childabuse #Pedodisneycathyfox.wordpress.com/2018/07/25/hol…
10 Much that is happening is related to this - 14th Satanic Illuminati Bloodline – Muslim Brotherhood, and bear in mind Obamas place as head of the satanic council #bloodline #MuslimBrotherhood #illuminati #theswampcathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/05/01/14t…
11. More whistleblowers are coming forward all the time and soon it will become a flood - on mind control, child trafficking, child cannibalism, child torture, targetted individuals, cloning and more. Here are some - #illuminati #whistleblowers
1. Thread 🧵on British Nonces Series 2 British Pedophiles #BritishNonces #MeatyTrumps #pedo #paedophiles #pedophiles #csa #childabuse
2. Edward Heath was British Prime Minister and there were many reports that he was a pedophile. Here is one from MIchael Shrimpton. #tedheath #childabuse #pedophile cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/mic…
3. Fred Talbot ITV weatherman was jailed for child abuse whilst teaching at Altrincham Grammar School for Boys #FredTalbot #childabuse #csa dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
1. Thread 🧵on Dr. Guthries Child abuse. Follow and read thread thanks #drguthries #childabuse #csa #scotland x.com/GuthriesSu24583
2. Dr Guthrie's Boys School. Edinburgh. This video is dedicated to the hundreds, if not thousands, of abused and sexually assaulted children who attended Dr Guthrie's schools in Edinburgh. … #drguthries #csa #childabuse
3. Dr Guthrie's Ragged Schools - Scotland's elite abused children with total impunity. They gave children no education, very little food, and dormitories that mirrored the workhouses of the 1840s #drguthries #raggedschools #childabuse #scotland
1. Thread on pizzagate as twitter decimated my thread from 2020. #pizzagate #podesta #clinton #spiritcooking #hillary
2. This was before it was called pizzagate, I called this USA, Coups, Counter Coups and Child Sexual AbU$e … #Wiener #csa #podesta #Abramovich #SpiritCooking #childabuse #JohnPodesta #Wikileaks #AnthonyWiener #pizzagatecathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/05/usa…
3. Then Comey FBI Caves in. Clinton child abuse links #Podesta #Silsby #Haiti #FBI #Comey #ClintoNEmails #HumaAbedin #Wiener #csa #childabuse #pizzagate #SpiritCookingcathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/cli…