However, from the perspective of Trump’s narcissism, this is overdue but not surprising.
If any come to see the fiction, they’re expelled so they can’t tarnish the narcissist’s facade.
So Trump is vulnerable to a double-whammy:
1) His facade of strength, competence and infallibility is crashing
2) The non-believers are affecting others in the bubble
And as the air comes out, people who believed the inflated version wonder why they ever saw that as real.
And many of the people he still has inside the bubble are there, in part, because they believed none of this could ever happen.
Trump’s cratering numbers, in and of themselves, poke a hole in his mythology.
And that will shed more followers.
But, don’t be surprised if Trump’s numbers worsen to the point where he looks likely to get not just beaten but crushed.
Every single one was a true believer for a time.
Most woke up eventually. And once they did, not a one - not one single person - was ever snowed by the narcissist a second time.
The air is coming out of Trump’s balloon.
I am only surprised because it has taken so long.
A complete collapse would not shock me. Trump recapturing all of the people he has lost... nearly impossible.
Not gonna happen.