Other questions I like to ask: where does work come from, who monitors and acts upon unexpected unavailability, and how does the organisation learn from incidents 4/n
If I was coding an AWS service and I was on-call, I'd want a pair or a code review for sure 11/n
I'd refer to the (very good) continuous canary testing as Smoke Testing, but the lines are blurred these days 20/n
"Microservices in pre-production environments typically call the production endpoint of any services owned by another team"
If you have to do some end-to-end testing, do it for real wherever possible 👍 21/n
"Gamma is also deployed in multiple AWS Regions to catch any potential impact from regional differences"
A substantial engineering effort that's well worth it. If your services are multi-region, test in multi-region too 22/n
*If* a pipeline becomes a constraint, bake time could be the limiting factor. But it's about the audacity of resilience... prepping for unknown unknowns 26/n