✅Kept face to face services open for the most vulnerable
✅Dealt with 4-fold increase in demand for crisis provision
✅Stayed home (wherever possible)
✅Set up regular Recovery Groups online
✅Completed a merger
✅Worked with partners to get food parcels out to the community
✅Supplied isolated people with an internet connection
✅Got back to providing specialist support in 2 busy hospitals
✅Stayed alert
✅Handed out tech to help people we work with to stay connected
✅Raced up Everest on our stairs
✅Started a new employability project for families
✅Acquired a minibus
✅Set up virtual youth clubs for vulnerable young people
✅Helped set up a new crisis service in Doncaster
✅Started to increase our face to face offer
Ummm, anything else?
#NeverMoreNeeded #100daysofLockdown