In this thread, he talks about the processes after landing in Mumbai, quarantine and taking the Covid19 testing. Read on to know more.
Part 2 - The Homecoming
1. There was a body temperature screening
2. A declaration had to be signed to undergo Covid19 test within 3 days
3. A list of hotels were presented for quarantine and we had to select one.
I felt that Mumbai airport was better prepared than Frankfurt to enforce distancing and other measures. But, unfortunately people were not following these measures strictly.
Yes, I have to go through 7 day mandatory quarantine in the hotel selected from the list provided. The process might vary for other states and for symptomatic persons.
How did you travel from airport to hotel?
BMC had arranged buses for this.
No. Nobody is allowed to meet me nor am I allowed to go out of the hotel room.
How are you managing food in the hotel?
All meals are delivered to the room by the hotel. This is included in the daily room rate.
No. Swab collection was done in my hotel room by a 3rd party agency contracted by the MH govt.
Can you explain how the test went?
They collected a swab from the throat. It hardly took 30 seconds.
Frankly, better than what I expected. I was thinking that the hotel might be crowded with risk of infection. But, it has been a good experience till now. Note that I selected a 4 star hotel and it might vary with hotel.
If my tests come negative, I will be issued a pass to travel. After that, I will have to be in home quarantine for another 7 days. May be there will be stamping on my hand. Will wait and see!
Not yet. But the hotel staff ensures that our needs are taken care of and that nobody steps out. The hotel main gate is always closed.
Have you got your Covid test result?
Not yet, fingers crossed for that!
If you have any questions on this, drop a note and we will try to have them clarified.