#taxtwitter #accounting #bookkeeping
A thread 👇

I don't like web apps. It takes too long to click around.
Future-proof accountant [F]
Web apps allow you to connect your data. Rather than clicking around, keying in data, you're reviewing output.
[F] If there is time/money/simplicity to be bought by using this tool, we can:
-Save our clients money
-Bill them for the value
[F] Switch to value billing
{L] That's unfair to clients
[F] Do you adjust bills?
{L] Yes
[F] Based on what?
{L] Prior year
[F] You're already value billing
[F] They aren't until they realize there is money to be saved, at which point I hope we're the ones to show them.
[F] I'm already there based on metric X Y and Z. Help me to understand why I should put in my years here, specifically?
[F] Who decides what to charge the client?
[L] Well I do
[F] You're right, they will always need tax support. My concern is when other good tax accountants will support their entire actg dept, what's to stop them from switching?
[F] CAS fees go up each year, and automation continues to improve. That's a nice place to set yourself up for the long-term.
[F] By sharing our playbook for X, we can show talented accountants & clients what makes us different. Imitation is validation.
[F] How do you know they're working when they're in the office?
[F] If the training saves them 20 mins/mo, we'll make it up in 3 mos, and save 20 hrs/person over the next 5 years.
[F] Clients don't understand what we do. All they understand is what they see, and what they see is a dot matrix printer.