S1 Ep1: The one where a cop pulls a knife on my client in the courthouse and gets caught lying about it.
A thread.
August 2006. I had just finished trying a case in front of a new-ish judge and was about to pick a jury in another.

The new jury would hear a gun/drug case. My client had made bail and was in the hallway waiting to get started.
"Cop pulled a fucking knife on me just now!" He said, breathless.
I have to admit, even with all I knew about routine police misconduct, it sounded farfetched.
"Really?" I asked.
This put me in a spot. The new-ish judge had called me to the bench during my earlier trial & actually said "Mr. BEATTY, why are you making it look like this officer is lying?"
"Your honor, I have to..."
"Well Judge, how about the ASA asks the officer about his knife?"
ASA said that was just fine, huffed off, then returned smirking.
"He doesn't even have a knife."
His honor also smirked.
"Your honor, I personally observed a knife sheath clipped to his belt and it didn't look empty. Perhaps we could ask again?"
I was getting eye rolls and heavy sighs but finally the judge sent the sheriff to ask him this time.
Suddenly his honor stopped rolling his eyes. Color rose in his cheeks.
"Well why didn't he say that the first time?"
The ASA was undeterred.
Yeah, right. He didn't ask him to do calculus or explain the rule against perpetuities. Fuck that.
"How about this" I said. "I have written on this piece of paper a description my client gave me of the knife."
The ASA acted like I was nuts but the judge, miffed by the earlier lie, agreed. The ASA raved about how silly this was, but no joy.
Now it was all on the line.
The ASA returned, suddenly quieter. And pale.
"Now he says he took it out but only to clean it."
Now judge New-ish was shocked.
"Sheriff, get that knife!"
My heart was racing.
"It's a black handled folding knife with a shiny chrome blade. It's got an eagle on the handle with the wings spread."
Overcome with relief I turned the paper over:
"Blk handle. Shiny blade. Bird on it."
ASA knew he was sunk. This would all come in and my witnesses would be a sheriff and a judge.
Case dismissed. My client was thrilled and I felt, and still feel, guilty about whatever doubts I had.
Btw, the jury that was out came back not guilty too.