This happened Tuesday, I checked that this was not a mistake, Council now following guidance introduced June 2017 that I had not see before
Guidance contradicts Council constitution
-Ask questions related to my ward
-Ask questions on behalf of residents
-Ask questions in C'tee but only if on agenda (I do not control agenda)
-Ask a Q about anything 5 times a year at full Council meetings
I need to confirm with @TowerHamletsNow

I can still submit Freedom of Information requests (do not need to be a Cllr to do) but rules are different, take longer, can be rejected if too costly, & only if docs exist
So if no document confirms 50 deaths I cannot get it
In this case change in use of rules has come I believe from v senior Council officer
It may well be that it gets over turned but shows how difficult my job can be holding administration to account