⚜️A heriditary autosomal dominant (AD) disease.
⚜️Arises from biliary epithelium, but does not communicate with biliary system....⤵️
#SoMe4IQLatAm #SoMe4Surgery

⚜️Presentation: usually asymptomatic, hepatomegally, abd pain, jaundice, portal HTN.⤵️
LFTs are well preserved and so liver failure will not occur.⤵️
1️⃣➪:) Somatostatin analogues.
2️⃣➪:) Aspiration sclerotherapy.
3️⃣➪:) Fenestration.
4️⃣➪:) Resection.
5️⃣➪:) Liver transplantation.⤵️
Treatment algorithm for polycystic liver disease subdivided by treatment goal.⤵️📚
💠Treatment is only indicated in symptomatic patients.
💠The CT images serve to show the phenotype applicable to each type of treatment.....⤵️

💠Abbreviations used: AS, aspiration sclerotherapy; CT, computed tomography; PLD, polycystic liver disease; QoL, quality of life; SA, somatostatin analogues.