Buddhist texts attributed to Aśvaghoṣa
His philosophy appears with alternate name "Aulukya philosophy" in Jainism
Greeks came into India only in 4th century B.C
it is possible that the Greeks borrowed atomic theory from him
Everything can be subdivided until smallest entity reached which is indivisible (Parmanu)
Atom is eternal (indestructible) & is basis of all creation
Atom had unique identity & properties belongs to its class of substance
invisible to naked eye
Atoms connect with each other to form molecules (anu) through a process which includes heat & other factors to produce dvyanuka (diatomic molecules) and tryanuka (triatomic molecules)
Greek philosopher Leucippus might have
Indian ideas about atom are the oldest 🙏
@TIinExile @InfoVedic @artist_rama @desi_thug1 @rightwingchora @vedicpress @History_Ink1008 @_UntoldHistory