This is continued from here :
This trial failed & she couldnt manipulate @Cyber_Huntss.

Post this incident, Sunaina blocked me on twitter and hence i got automatically removed from the group.
To stop us from exposing more they started FIR threats. Which another member of that grp @shytigress sent me.

I have also heard that Sunaina Holey has a history of doxxing RW people. I do not know how true it is. But if true, why has this been blindfolded ? What do they do by minting information? Selling it to ant! national forces?
We do not encourage threatening, blackma!ling & sIut shaming. This cant be an ideology of the RW or Ppl who call themselves from Sanatan Dharma.
I will fight for the right ppl always.
Do they want to shut us up by hook or by crook?
They hv also hired a hacking grp to keep an eye on us.
@MumbaiPolice @CPMumbaiPolice
I might be under grave threat.I seek protection.
The truth can be troubled but in the end only Truth will prevail.
Jai Hind. 🙏