Reviewed extensively the progress of research in agriculture. Also reviewed aspects relating to education of agriculture during today’s meet. Ensuring farmer welfare is one of our key priorities.
Commendable work has happened in developing varieties that cater to specific requirements of agro-climatic zones. Various varieties have also been developed that will further our endeavour of a nation free from the menace of malnutrition.
India is working towards increased organic farming as well as farming on a cluster based approach. Efforts are also ongoing to encourage start-ups related to agriculture, especially ones that encourage usage of latest technology in the sector.
Emphasised on the need to spread awareness on including millets such as Jowar, Bajra and Ragi as a part of people’s diet. Also emphasised on ensuring extensive awareness programmes on water use efficiency and water conservation.
Other aspects relating to ICAR which we discussed included research on indigenous breeds of dogs and horses, mission mode approach for vaccination to cure Foot and Mouth disease, study of grasses and local fodder crops and ensuring easy access to farm equipment.
India is placing great importance to education in the agricultural sector that benefits the farmers. India is proud of its traditional agro knowledge and will complement it with latest technology to ensure a boost to the income of farmers.
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Namaste India and Happy #WomensDay.
I am Dr. @access_anjlee, founder of @samarthyam Centre for Universal Accessibility. Through PM @narendramodi’s social media handle, which I have the honour of taking over today, I want to ignite a spark of transformation, and seek a call to action- forget labels, forget barriers…lets strengthen Sugamya Bharat and make it an important precursor to a Viksit Bharat.
Let's ensure that every woman, every individual, can navigate their life with dignity and independence. Let us build on the recent gains and improve lives for persons with disabilities.
Here is more about myself- for over three decades, I've worked on universal accessibility and inclusive mobility. These sectors are integral to creating inclusive spaces. Basis my experience of the recent past, I am positive that accessibility and mobility are no longer remaining only in words but have been seamlessly assimilated with other aspects of governance.
Research and writing are key passions for me, because this is also how we can drive a positive change when it comes to improving the lives of persons with disabilities. Here too, working towards empowering women with disabilities has been very important for me. I conduct extensive training workshops for government and educational institutions to further this goal. I have worked widely in making schools accessible in India. This is vital because, no one must be denied education just because of lack of accessible infrastructure.
A financially empowered woman is a confident decision-maker, independent thinker, architect of her own future and a maker of modern India! And, our nation is taking the lead in building financially empowered women.
I, @Ajaita_Shah, am really delighted to be handling PM @narendramodi Ji’s social media handles on #WomensDay. I am the Founder and CEO of Frontier Markets.
One issue that remained close to my heart was the challenges women face in rural areas. These challenges could be financial, access to infrastructure and more. Thus, I have spent the last two decades to mitigate this. And, I feel proud that not only have I been able to make a difference, I am also seeing many more women rising to the occasion and doing the same.
In 2011, I founded Frontier Markets with a simple belief that if we support our rural women, no force will stop them from achieving the impossible. Our combined efforts have ensured a powerful network of thousands of women who are becoming self-reliant and giving livelihoods to other women.
It is gladdening that over the last few years, there are very meaningful conversations happening on this subject. With things like bank coverage, social security, access to better healthcare and improved sanitation, women are finding it much easier to pursue their dreams and create value for society.
मैं अनीता देवी, नालंदा जिले के अनन्तपुर गांव की रहने वाली हूं। मैंने जीवन में बड़े संघर्ष देखे हैं। लेकिन मेरा हमेशा से मन था, अपने दम पर कुछ करने का। 2016 में मैंने खुद स्वरोजगार करने का निर्णय लिया था। उसी दौर में स्टार्ट-अप्स का इतना क्रेज बढ़ गया था। इसलिए 9 साल पहले मैंने भी अपनी माधोपुर फार्मर्स प्रोड्यूसर कंपनी लिमिटेड की स्थापना की।
मशरूम उत्पादन से आत्मनिर्भरता की ओर!
आज मशरूम उत्पादन के जरिये मैं अपने परिवार को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए काम कर रही हूं। मैंने ना सिर्फ अपनी राह आसान की है, बल्कि सैकड़ों महिलाओं को रोजगार के अवसर देकर आत्मनिर्भर भी बनाया है। अब मेरी कंपनी किसानों को खाद, बीज और कीटनाशक जैसी जरूरी चीजों को भी सस्ती दरों पर उपलब्ध कराती है। आज इस कंपनी में काम करने वाली सैकड़ों महिलाओं को, आजीविका के साथ स्वाभिमान का जीवन भी मिल रहा है।
मेरी प्रेरणा – महिलाओं को आत्मनिर्भर बनाना!
बिहार सरकार की जीविका परियोजना और राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण आजीविका मिशन (NRLM) की मदद से मैंने मशरूम उत्पादन का प्रशिक्षण लिया था। इसके बाद मैंने सैकड़ों महिलाओं को भी मशरूम की खेती से जोड़ा है। अब मेरा सपना है कि गांव की हर महिला अपने पैरों पर खड़ी हो। अभी जो मखाना बोर्ड की स्थापना का ऐलान हुआ है, उसके बाद मैं मखाने से जुड़े काम के बारे में भी सोच रही हूं।
Space technology, nuclear technology and women empowerment…
We are Elina Mishra, a nuclear scientist and Shilpi Soni, a space scientist and we are thrilled to be helming the PM’s social media properties on #WomensDay.
Our message- India is the most vibrant place for science and thus, we call upon more women to pursue it.
Both of us, Elina and Shilpi are seeing the wide range of opportunities opening up in our respective sectors. It was unimaginable that a sector like nuclear technology would offer so many opportunities for women in India. Similarly, the increasing participation of women and the private sector in the world of space makes India the most happening place to innovate and grow! Indian women surely have the talent and India surely has the right platform!
Read on to know more about our individual work too…
I am Elina Mishra and I hail from Bhubaneswar, Odisha. I come from a family with a strong academic background and thus, they created a ripe environment to learn science. My interest and inquisitiveness for science developed due to my father, who is my inspiration and whom I have seen relentlessly working towards his research.
My dream of working in the scientific domain was fulfilled when I was selected in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai.
I am @chessvaishali and I am thrilled to be taking over our PM Thiru @narendramodi Ji’s social media properties and that too on #WomensDay. As many of you would know, I play chess and I feel very proud to be representing our beloved country in many tournaments.
I was born on 21st June, which coincidentally is now popular as International Yoga Day. I’ve been playing chess since the age of 6! Playing chess has been a learning, thrilling and rewarding journey for me, reflecting in many of my tournament and Olympiad successes. But there is more…
I want to give a message to all the women out there, especially the young girls- follow your dreams, no matter the hurdles. Your passion will power your success. I want to encourage women to follow their dreams and break barriers in any field they choose because I know they can!
Today we mark 10 years of the #BetiBachaoBetiPadhao movement. Over the past decade, it has become a transformative, people powered initiative and has drawn participation from people across all walks of life.
#BetiBachaoBetiPadhao has been instrumental in overcoming gender biases and at the same time it has created the right environment to ensure that the girl child has access to education and opportunities to achieve her dreams.
Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the people and various community service organisations, #BetiBachaoBetiPadhao has achieved remarkable milestones. Districts with historically low child sex ratios have reported significant improvements and awareness campaigns have instilled a deeper sense of the importance of gender equality.