"A LOT! A LOT OF DAMAGE!" Adam Schiff in closing arguments of the Impeachment Trial.
-ignored CV-19
-sicced armed white extremist militias on state capitols
-failed to organize nationwide PPE, testing, tracing
-pulling Troops out of Germany
-denies intelligence PROOF of Russia bounty payments to kill American soldiers
-called protesters left-wing extremists, told police to DOMINATE THE STREETS!
-causing thousands to be exposed in his rallies in the middle of a pandemic
-attacks judges, even the Supreme Court
-allows his son-in-law to act as de facto President while he watches Fox News and obsesses over his ratings
-extorts Democratic governors to get PPE
-attacks Democratic governors
-rewards his pals with PPE distribution deals
-stops funding and support for federal testing stations nationwide (attempting to)
-muzzles, contradicts expert Anthony Fauci on CV stats
-promotes unproven, dangerous drug for CV because a
-removes all non-loyalists, all IGs from oversight
-makes slush fund for corporations, no oversight
-spreads lies, rumors about corruption in mail-in ballots
Need I go on?
#ImpeachTrumpNow to stop the damage @ProjectLincoln @MeidasTouch @Eleven_Films @SethAbramson