Many hiπdus are being confused by many propaganda peddlers
They will try to prove that it is prohibited in Vedas
I strongly recommend them to not to read English translation of our ancient scriptures
Let's understand it.. 👇
Yajurveda 40.9
Here also English translation is no where close to hindi (👇pics)
This mantra mainly focuses on worshipping which is positive in nature & condemn which is negative
No mention of Idol worshipping

Idol worshipping is nor prohibited neither recommended in Vedas
Read our scriptures as much as possible to avoide confusion
Please don't read English translation specially those are done by some western
"Arya Samaj"
Which are against idol worshipping
That is there beliefs
@rightwingchora @Lost_History1 @ThtKashmiriGuy @kaashimishra @KaafirVed @InfoVedic @VedicWisdom1 @AlpaChauhan_ @HyvGujarat @SAVEHINDUISM3 @ShefVaidya @History_Ink1008