A Thread.
religious freedom of the citizens of Ilya
(Jerusalem) and the sanctity of their
synagogues and places of worship were
confirmed: "This is the protection which
the slave-servant of Allah,
(At- Tabari, Tarikh,.Vol III, Page 609, ed, Dar Al Ma'arif, Egypt)
There is no compu]sion in re]igion: true guidance has become distinct from error. (AL-Baqarah: 256]
You have your religion and i have mine. (Al-Kafirun: 6]
"If I prayed inside the church, the
Muslims after me would take it and they
would say: "Umar prayed here".
Assyrian Christians states, "To the followers of Islam I say: Carry out my command, protect and help the Nazarene nation in this country of ours in their own land."
the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recognized the Nazarenes
(Christians) as a people and a nation
existing among of the people.