1. Thread to collate all the Pence, masonic handshake, illuminati agent, note handover info we have so far #Pence #Mason #MasonicHandshake #Sheriffs #Trump
2. The slowed down video of the handshake is here - thumbs purposely bypass on another and cross from one side to the other, an above 33 degree level masonic handshake... #freemason #handshake #pence
3. Stills - thumbs purposely bypass on another and cross from one side to the other, an above 33 degree level masonic handshake #freemason #handshake #pence
4. The video was sent to Tim Holmseth who says he works with the Pentagon Task force and is the only one allowed to report on their activities rescuing children #TimHolmseth #Pence #Handshake #masonic https://t.co/g52ucKvYwHtimothycharlesholmseth.com/pence-handshak…
5. There is much misinformation and disinformation going around about Tim Holmseth as would be expected from a person in his position. He reported on children being rescued from California tunnels #children #tunnels report - #TimHolmseth https://t.co/21HrmPxq1etimothycharlesholmseth.com/u-s-marines-re…
6. Jessie, possibly the greatest illuminati whistleblower of all time, has confirmed in her videos and this tweet that the information about children in those tunnels was correct, and the elite rats scuttled out of those tunnels.. #csa #california #tunnels https://t.co/kbRCnPH2JM
7. Jessie also says that the woman in the video, shaking hands with Pence is the woman who moved the illuminati out of the California tunnels and was also the one hired to take out Holmseth... #Holmseth #California #tunnels https://t.co/CC9T7fJlsJ
8. The attempt to assassinate Holmseth, which they only do for very high level targets, indicates further that Holmseth and his information is genuine. My conjecture is that she is part of the Protector and Assassins of the illuminati, described here... cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/01/18/the…
9. Tunnels are used for breeding children, rituals and many children are kept underground, this Jessie Interview describes more.... Dark Outpost 06-25-2020 5 The Tunnel Children #tunnels #jessie #TunnelChildren #childabuse #csa #rituals #breeders
10. So who was she? I think it was the occasion of an NSA Sheriffs meeting with Trup and Pence Feb 7 2017, also reported here and tweeted about by the whitehouse #NSA #Sheriffs #Trump #Pence https://t.co/ChH6lb78Ze https://t.co/tS49p9T4vZweb.archive.org/save/https://w…
11. Footage is also available from this angle, 5.15 min the woman with dark hair takes paper out of her pocket, 6.06 she has that paper, at 6.13 she has it in her opposite hand... #Pence #note #Trump #Pence
12. ...and 6.21 Pence comes back and maybe puts it in his pocket. Also check this slightly extended footage from the first angle... and at the very end she appears to still have a note but he does as well. Did they swap notes? Was it a predetemined meet?
13. She looks an unlikely Sheriff, she is wearing open toed shoes, all the rest are in boots. I have also screenshotted where she takes the note out of her pocket and she is also looking round dodgily... #Assassin #note #Pence
14. Jessie talks about the incident more in her latest interview. She says it was two days before one
of the assassination attempts on Trump's
life, and that this woman is one of the individuals that puts other people's lives in high danger (no timecode)
15. So who is she? What was she doing? Jessie says in the above i/v she is involved in the Illuminati and being a sheriff is definitely not her job. Did she give Pence a note, did they swap notes? Was she about to hand it to Trump? #Trump #Pence #MasonicHandshake #QAnon #Note
16. My last thread a couple of days ago on this, for reference purposes is here... #Pence #Note #handshake
1. Thread 🧵on British Nonces Series 2 British Pedophiles #BritishNonces #MeatyTrumps #pedo #paedophiles #pedophiles #csa #childabuse
2. Edward Heath was British Prime Minister and there were many reports that he was a pedophile. Here is one from MIchael Shrimpton. #tedheath #childabuse #pedophile cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/mic…
3. Fred Talbot ITV weatherman was jailed for child abuse whilst teaching at Altrincham Grammar School for Boys #FredTalbot #childabuse #csa dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
1. Thread 🧵on Dr. Guthries Child abuse. Follow and read thread thanks #drguthries #childabuse #csa #scotland x.com/GuthriesSu24583
2. Dr Guthrie's Boys School. Edinburgh. This video is dedicated to the hundreds, if not thousands, of abused and sexually assaulted children who attended Dr Guthrie's schools in Edinburgh. … #drguthries #csa #childabuse
3. Dr Guthrie's Ragged Schools - Scotland's elite abused children with total impunity. They gave children no education, very little food, and dormitories that mirrored the workhouses of the 1840s #drguthries #raggedschools #childabuse #scotland
1. Thread on pizzagate as twitter decimated my thread from 2020. #pizzagate #podesta #clinton #spiritcooking #hillary
2. This was before it was called pizzagate, I called this USA, Coups, Counter Coups and Child Sexual AbU$e … #Wiener #csa #podesta #Abramovich #SpiritCooking #childabuse #JohnPodesta #Wikileaks #AnthonyWiener #pizzagatecathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/05/usa…
3. Then Comey FBI Caves in. Clinton child abuse links #Podesta #Silsby #Haiti #FBI #Comey #ClintoNEmails #HumaAbedin #Wiener #csa #childabuse #pizzagate #SpiritCookingcathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/cli…