The just-released #DilBechara album finds #ARRahman in his most accessible & fresh-sounding form in recent times! The tracks feature a profusion of intricate vocal harmonies, strings, electronic sounds; & traverse varied genres like ballads, dance-pop & hiphop!

The funky soundscape & #ARRahman's surprisingly seductive vocals in #DilBechara's insanely catchy title track are offset by a thumping bass & an unexpected trap-rhythm- pizzicato-riff combo in the song's 3rd verse!
Unpredictable, unfettered, heady!

#TaareGinn's opening mandolin riff makes way for @shreyaghoshal & @_MohitChauhan who tackle the staccato-ish lines that blend imperceptibly into flowing melodic passages! #ARRahman backs the tune with lush strings, piano arpeggios, violin solos & counterpoint-ish harmonies!
In #KhulkeJeeneKa, #ARRahman has #ArijitSingh & @sashasublime dovetail dextrously through the unpredictable melodic lines, weaving beautifully complex harmonies! All of this is backed by piano, bass, half a dozen stringed/plucked instruments & the faintest whispers of flutes!
The dreamy-sounding #TheHorizonOfSaudade is #DilBechara's theme & it almost belies the inherent melancholy of the film's tragic theme. But then the string-heavy arrangement takes a right turn and a poignant solo violin shows up to leave one's heart bruised & mangled! Sigh!
#Friendzone is a dance-floor friendly extension of #DilBechara's title track! Rahman amps up the slow, playful sensuality of the original tune here with the bright brass sections, the punchy dancepop rhythms, scratchy synth sounds, and a super-energetic chorus!
The playful retro sound & flow of #MeraNaamKizie is generously helped by the abundant jazzy oboe/clarinet sections that #ARRahman employs! @poorvikoutish9's rendition is at once both breathy & whispery, delicate & romantic! And matching her step-for-step is Aditya Narayan! 🔥
For the Arabic-tinged hiphop sound in #Afreeda, #ARRahman ropes in Palestinian singer Sanaa Moussa (who earlier collaborated with him on #MuhammadTheMessengerOfGod) & @TheRajaKumari to produce an absolute cracker! That electronic-meets-middle eastern rhythm is sensational!
In #Maskhari (sounds like a lost #ImtiazAli song) @SunidhiChauhan5 makes a grand return to an #ARRahman album! The cheerful tune is propped up by strings, bouncy rhythms & @officialAmitabh's zany lyrics that describe maskhari (buffoonery) as a "peeda haari balm" (zandu balm!)
In the beautifully uncluttered ballad #MainTumhara, #ARRahman has @hridayg & @jonitamusic interweave beautiful harmonies. The solemn declarations of love are melancholic & Rahman keeps the arrangement sparse with just a soft piano, flute & ambient synth sounds for company.
It's refreshing to see #ARRahman marry his current penchant for unpredictable song structures with his old instant earworm quality. The #DilBechara trailer felt like a throwback to the sound of JTYJN & LHDD but the final output is delightfully non-conformist, & very Rahman!