Key Insights from VST Industries FY2019-20 Annual Report:
(1) Company’s new age brands, especially ‘Total’, have contributed significantly in increasing the overall volume base in existing and new markets.
(3) The manufacturing operations of the Company had to be suspended between the later part of March, 2020
and the second week of May, 2020
(7) As on 31st March, 2020, Company’s work force was 807 employees, with 357 Management staff and 450 Workmen.
(9) Bio-Medical Waste Authorization was
received for the Toopran factory from TSPCB for a period of 5 years - 2019 to 2024.
Average increase in the salaries of employees other than
the managerial personnel in FY 2019-20
was -1.4% in comparison with 20.5% positive
increase in the managerial remuneration.
Revenue from Operations: +16%
Gross Profit: +23.35%
Operating Income: +23%
EBITDA Margin: 30%
PBT Growth: 20%
PAT Growth: 34.05%(Due to lower taxation)
EPS Growth: 34%