Bought two copies of this book when I was trying out OKRs for the team. One for me and one for the team!
Abandoned halfway :(

Filled with nostalgia as I grew up playing GTA. An insider view into the gaming industry was fascinating. Abandoned at 70%, don't really know why.

The story of Nike. Started reading but I have no memory of it now. Should go back to it again

Got to know abt @yukaichou and his Gamification framework when I was helping friend's organization. There was no turning back.
Watch his TED talk! Highly recommended!

Bought it when @davegerhardt recommended this. I wish I could build an app or something that would automatically order books that Dave recommends. He never disappoints

As always, was too impatient to finish the book and invest, so just browsed through the basics
Proper 101 level on stock markets, easy read.

Do things that don't scale. Perfect example. They practice what they preach.

After a long time, I've been able to slowly make progress on a fictional book

The TED talk on the same topic is highly recommended…

Very few fictional impulse purchases. Published in 1932 about a then forecasted world on 2450. Let's see 😁

The teachings are through a conversation. I like this type of story telling as it also sometimes answers questions and objections in our head!

I've always been fascinated by mental models but never truly understood them. Let's see if this book changes it.