@retheauditors@premnsikka@alexralph 1/ The curious case of MORE Moore Stephens ?. We met a David Ronald Elliott in the curious case of the mysterious world of corporate insolvency
who along with his fellow Kent Moore Stephens I.P. Simon Paterson ..
2/ became firm favourites of #LCF Simon Hume-Kendal. By curious coincidence a David Ronald Elliott (who may or may not be the former Moore Stephens David Ronald Elliott) surfaced at London Oil & Gas Ltd “LOG” + London Power Corporation Ltd “LPC” in 02/2018 filling the gap as ..
3/ Company Secretary vacated by the #LCF crew-mate, SPV spider-man & solicitor Robert Mannering Sedgwick. But was LOG/LPC’s David Ronald Elliott more than just a company secretary ?, was he also the C.F.O. of LOG & LPC ? and hence point-man for the “Mazars Step Plan” …
& auditors BDO ?. Mr Elliott resigned in 02/2019, LOG/LPC went in to administration in 04/2019 with Former Moore Stephens I.P. Simon Paterson emerging from the mysterious world of corporate insolvency + sailing in on the coat tails of LPC’s …
5/ administrator Kirker & Co. Oh to be a fly on the wall of the bank/payment institution that allegedly made the alleged £multi-million payments to the #LCF crew perhaps contemplating the recent “Quincecare” duty of care Supreme Court cases e.g. supremecourt.uk/cases/docs/uks…
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@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ ‘'Solid gold' payments card case exposes limits of UK regulator (@theFCA). Arrest of #Nvayo's Christopher Scanlon raises questions about @theFCA’s ability to oversee digital payments sector. (). #Emoney #OpenBanking ft.com/content/20e7ed…
2/ In 06/2017 #OnlineGambling op #GVC Holdings Plc (f/k/a #Entain) announced the completion of the sale of it’s ‘controversial’ in house #FCA auth. payment processing & card issuing group: ‘#Kalixa Group’ (f/k/a ‘#CQR Group’) that came in #GVC’s acquisition of ‘controversial’ #OnlineGambling op #BWIN.Party.
3/ Surprisingly, #Kalixa Group was sold by #GVC for a fraction of its expected value to #Senjo Group, (linked to the #Wirecard scandal). Surprisingly, a month later it was announced that #GVC had sold part of #Kalixa Group: ‘BW Pay Ltd’ (up until shortly before the #Senjo sale named #Kalixa Pay - a #FCA auth debit card issuer/#Emoney op) to (UBO) Christopher Scanlon.
1/ #Wirecard’s former CFO ‘Burkhard Ley’ charged by German prosecutors with #fraud, 3 years after the now notorious German payment processing unicorn #Wirecard imploded. But who was ‘Burkhard Ley’ ? (‘Wirecard’s Mr Teflon’ - ). handelsblatt.com/finanzen/banke…
2/ Burkhard Ley was a bank clerk at a German savings bank (1982-8) before joining the now notorious #SalOppenheim private bank (1988-2000), rising to its director of corporate Finance. #SalOppenheim was one of Europe’s biggest/most conservative private banks, interacting with …
3/ the ‘German elite’ since 1789. That all changed when purportedly ‘Baron Christopher von Oppenheim’ took over the management of the bank in the 90s, surrounding himself with ‘outsiders’ - the bank allegedly going ‘full tonto’ in both risky & shady ‘investment banking business’.
1/ #Wirecard’s former CFO ‘Burkhard Ley’ charged by German prosecutors with #fraud, 3 years after the now notorious German payment processing unicorn #Wirecard imploded. But who was ‘Burkhard Ley’ ? (‘Wirecard’s Mr Teflon’ - Handelsblatt 10/2021 - ). drive.google.com/file/d/1vo5dQQ…
2/ ‘Burkhard Ley’ was a bank clerk at a German savings bank (1982-8) before joining the now notorious #SalOppenheim private bank (1988-2000), rising to its director of corporate Finance. #SalOppenheim, was one of Europe’s biggest & most conservative private banks, interacting …
3/ with the ‘German elite’ since 1789. That all changed when ‘Baron Christopher von Oppenheim’ took over the management of the bank in the 1990s, surrounding himself with ‘outsiders’ - the bank allegedly going ‘full tonto’ in both risky & shady ‘investment banking business’.
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ #RationalFX: Yet another of Blinky’s (@theFCA) ‘big fish’ from its uber notorious #Emoney/#FX scene bites the dust & put in to ‘special administration’, leaving 10s of 1000s of it’s customers ‘in limbo’ & unprotected by @FSCS (). fca.org.uk/news/news-stor…
2/ #RationalFX collapsed in to insolvency a few days ago, it’s long term (since 2013 y/end) auditor (#CLAEvelynPartners) signed off it’s last (UNqualified) 2022 y/end audited accounts on 23/03/2023 this year - in the background, the dual ‘red flags’ of: an extended (18 month) …
3/ reporting period; & in this extended period, the resignation of its owner (Rajesh Agrawal) as a director. A quick squizz at the last filed accounts turned up two rather strange items. Firstly, a rather strange (‘Other Income’) note to the accounts: ~ £1m in ‘’receipts from …
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ #FormationsHouse - far more than just another of Londonski’s notorious ‘formation factories’ with allegedly fistfuls of trans-national fraudsters/#MoneyLaunderers as clients: ‘liquidator fails to find company boss amid unexplained bank transactions’.
2/ "#29Leaks": in 2019, hacker linked group ‘Distributed Denial of Secrets’ leaked to the media >130GB of data incl. millions of emails, documents, passport copies & bank statements allegedly from #FormationsHouse’ servers, detailing amongst other things it’s clienteles’ japery.
3/ Charlotte Pawar’ took control of the running of #FormationsHouse after the death in 2015 of her Pakistani emigre stepfather (Nadeem Khan) who was reportedly due to stand trial four weeks later in the UK for his company's alleged role in a notorious €100m #fraud & …
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ ‘#LSE listed #GrantThornton/#KMPG audited #Entain (formerly #GVC, incorporating #CasinoClub/#SportingBet/#BWIN/#PartyGaming/#Ladbrokes etc) settles bribery case for £615m - says it has the highest levels of #CorporateGovernance after deal with #HMRC’.
2/ #Entain listed on #AIM (a cesspit of illegal gambling & associated payment processing ops, presided over by New Labour & it’s now Lords of #OnlineGambling) in 2004 as Gaming VC Holdings SA - a Luxembourg SPV/#KPMG Lux audited op before switching to #GrantThornton Lux in 2008.
3/ It rebranded to #GVC/re-domiciled in 2010 to the IOM (New Labour’s ‘wild west’ of ‘offshore’ #OnlineGambling) with #GrantThornton UK as auditor. In 2018 amidst a shareholder rebellion out went #GrantThornton + back in came #KPMG. In 2016 #GVC acquired #Bwin.#PartyGaming, …