I think this expresses where many of us are at now.
I've said for years the Democommies are devious, deranged, and dangerous. I have followed their hate and smears. Each one of the lines is an article, photo, meme, etc.
Type the title in your browser to see the article.
From my OneNote archives. 1.
6. Oh, I have a great deal more in my archives. This is just one category archived. There is assassination attempts, Antifa/BLM/Panthers, Anti-Trump orgs....
Get the idea? This did not just happen, it has been building and on purpose.
This is not about GF.
This is about a small faction of people who want to destroy the US from the inside and have ginned up the ignorant minions to get rid of DJT and us.
What do you think is in store for Trump supporters and any business who supported him, if he does not win.
I assure you it will not be good. And do you think they are collecting data? Yup.
Time to start thinking seriously about this and connect all the dots.
For a long time I have debated posting some of this, and decided to because I want people to realize the gravity of the situation.
This "civil unrest" is only one piece of the puzzle, but a very important one.
It is up to you to do with the materials what you wish.
Explain to me why the DOD has been supporting the American Red Cross, and deeming it responsible for Scouting Organizations? This is puzzling.
What is the purpose? esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Doc…
Grassley did and extensive report, if you skim a few pages you will get the gist of it. They would not answer questions or allow an audit. (They did nothing in Haiti they said they would.) embed.documentcloud.org/documents/2861…
Handing out maps so the illegal aliens can find their way and services certainly has not helped the US. msn.com/en-us/news/us/…
Do you get it? We as a nation are controlled by Zionists. Massie understands this and is fighting it, as he is not owned by AIPAC. Don't be duped by these people! We are not a sovereign nation. MAGA will not happen if this does not change.
Few understand the foreign policy of the US. It is not a policy of peace and cooperation with other nations. Since the early 90's this is what was adopted and upgraded over time. Now we hear it mentioned.
This has gotten us to where we are today. wakeup-world.com/2015/10/03/wan…
"Given the power of modern weaponry, this impending world war will be much more damaging than WWII by far. The criminality that is on the way to unleashing it is almost beyond comprehension." counterpunch.org/2022/02/23/wwi…
A little food for thought. Scroll through and ask yourself how these wars have actually helped the citizens of any country. Note the date, as there are more wars. medium.com/traveling-thro…
Time for another war! China has already invaded the US, in our schools, labs, farmlands, food processing plants... Not a shot fired. It's too late. politico.com/news/magazine/…
Wonder why we can't have nice things and are in a recession? Ever ask yourself why every defense budget gets bigger and bigger? Where does that money go? macrotrends.net/countries/USA/…
We have had NGOs like National Endowment for Democracy stirring up regime change in Taiwan for years. What happened to the One China Policy?
Why is it our job to "protect" the world and spread "democracy"?
It is not "democracy" it is hegemony.
Been thinking about this for a few days. Is this a coincidence? I wonder how many residents of East Palestine got these. This is a kind of a theory with questions.
Jan. 26, 2023 wkbn.com/video/east-pal…
Decided to look at the MyID website, and where they were located and who owns them. Well, all I could find was their corp. offices are located in a stripmall. Suite 106 St. George, Utah. So dug a bit more. DOC for Utah says Nomad Capital, LLC is in that suite.
🤔Note the dates above. There is a list of 4 contacts also, but no phone # and no website for Nomad Capital. Any find that odd or know why there would be no farther info?
Are shell companies listed like this?